The Tree of Knowledge honors those whose dedication and expertise have shaped the nondestructive testing (NDT) industry. The names of these distinguished individuals are engraved on the tree’s leaves, creating a lasting memorial to their invaluable contributions. At the base of the tree, nine stones bear the names of ASNT’s founding members, recognizing their foundational role in the Society’s history.
Tree of Knowledge
The Tree of Knowledge is a posthumous tribute to ASNT members whose contributions have significantly impacted industry professionals, fostering the growth of both ASNT and the field of nondestructive testing.
Submit a Nomination
Nominations are accepted at any time and are subject to approval by the Board of Directors to ensure that only those who have made significant and lasting impacts on the industry are honored.
To submit a nomination, download and complete the evaluation sheet. This checklist helps ensure that all necessary information is provided and that the nominee meets the established criteria. Once completed, submit the evaluation sheet along with your information.
Download Evaluation SheetHonored Members
John K. Aman
Robert T. Anderson
Robert A. Baker
Garry Balestracci
Leslie W. Ball
Douglas W. Ballard
John P. Battema
Ross A. Beckley
David L. Bell
William F. Bennett
Harold Berger
Francis C. Berry
Carl E. Betz
William Archibald Black
John E. Bobbin
Bernard W. Boisvert
Irving Boyce
Donald E. Bray
Charles W. Briggs
William W. Briody
Joseph F. Bush Jr.
John Callinan Jr.
Harriet Carlsen
O.R. Carpenter
William D. Carruthers
Joseph Catanzano
John Cavanagh Jr.
Don E. Childers
Don L. Conn
William D. Coolidge
George M. Corney
Alvin F. Cota
Edward L. Criscuolo
Maurice J. Curtis
Lutz W. Dahlke
Donald Dannelley
Don Dannelly
Vernon Davison
Clyde Denton
Desmond D. “Duke” Dewey
Joseph Dewton
Paul Dick
B. Boro Djordjevic
Louis R. DiValerio
Robert G. Dunn
Louis Elliot
Roy W. Emerson
Donald C. Erdman
Maynard B. Evans Jr.
Nat Faransso
Floyd A. Firestone
Dale T. Fister
Thomas Flaherty
Friedrich Förster
Julian R. Frederick
Leonard Garcia Sr.
Leonard Garcia Jr.
Richard Gaydos
John F. Geagan
Thomas O. Gilliland
Lawrence Goldbery
Solomon Goldspiel
Burton S. Goranson
William S. Gould III
Robert E. Green Jr.
Ernie G. Grimson
Daniel C. Guldner
Donald J. Hagemaier
David O. Hall
Edward E. Hall
Lawrence Haller
Ronald Halmshaw
Carlton H. Hastings
William E. Havercroft
Howard Heffnan
Stuart Herbein
Eugene Herlihy
William C. Hitt
Cary E. Hohl
Benjamin J. Hoitsma
Vilma Holmgren
Richard R. Holste
Kent R. Van Horn
James Houf
Harold Hovland
Elijah W. (Bill) Huddleston
Jess W. Jackson Sr.
Kenneth D. Jakabcin
Harlan D. Jean
Philip D. Johnson
George W. Johnson
Gilbert E. Joly
Lawrence E. Bryant Jr.
Bryant E. Justice
Noah A. Kahn
Harold S. Kean
William D. Kiehle
Chase J. King
Janis A. Knauer Miller
Felix Kusenberger
Richard H. Lambert
John V. Lammers Jr.
Robert W. Larson
Clarence E. Lautzenheiser
John D. Lavender
Horace H. Lester
Hugo L. Libby
Paul J. Long
Carlton G. Lutts
E. Mason Marcus
Don McBride
Robert W. McClung
Don M. McCutcheon
Howard J. McFaul
Warren McGonnagle
Richard D. McGuire
James McKenna
Robert C. McMaster
Robert F. Mehl
John P. Molony
Patrick O. Moore
Gordon Morgan
Robert N. (Ol’ Bob) Mosure
Richard B. Moyer
Charles W. Musser
Donald T. O’Connor
Daniel E. O’Halloran
Edwin Oclon
Joyce Odell
Roy L. Odell Jr.
Daniel E. O’Halloran
Robert B. Oliver
John W. Orner
Earl R. Pade
Fred C. Panian
Frank C. Parker
George L. Pherigo
Raymond A. Pulk
Eugene R. Reinhart
Chester F. Robards
Maryellen Robards
Samuel James Robinson
Vincent F. Roding
Robert J. Roehrs
Fred W. Rohde
Justin G. Schneeman
Rudi Schumacher
William Scott
Richard H.W. Seifert
Ronald H. Selner
Stephen M. Senne
Steven Serabian
Carl B. Shaw
Gerald Shea
William C. Shell
Sam I. Shelton
Charles N. Sherlock
Amos G. Sherwin
George J. Shewchuk
Kermit Alvin Skeie
Kirit V. Smart
Gordon E. Smith
Kenneth A. Smith
Richard B. Socky
Jack C. Spanner Sr.
David L. Spooner
Charles R. Stauffis
Ferdi B. Stern Jr.
Robert G. Strother
Lee R. Stroud
George Struck
John L. Summers
Robert C. Switzer
George T. Taylor
Gerold H. Tenney
Willys E. “Tommy” Thomas
R. Bruce Thompson
James Treat
Ralph E. Turner
Kent R. Van Horn
John G. Vancil
Maurice I. Vannier
William F. Via Jr.
Sharon I. Vukelich
Leonard E. Wechsier
Samuel A. Wenk
George C. Wheeler
William E. Widner
John H.G. Williams
Paul A. Zayicek
Robert H. Zong