Implementing a Successful NDT Education Program: Planning, Design, Resources, Curriculum, and Evaluation

Student Brandi Wilkey examines a flat ring of carbon steel using florescent magnetic particle testing (MT) on the MT bench.

Editor’s Note: This paper originally appeared in the September 2021 issue of ASNT’s Materials Evaluation.

Implementing a new program is often the most challenging stage of an education organization. The seasoned project manager or entrepreneur knows the maintenance of a program, process evaluation, and priori­tizing actions into the next phase of planning are the signs of a robust program. This is the same process for the implementation and maintenance of a nondestructive testing (NDT) program. This paper will focus on the critical considerations for the design, implementation, and maintenance of an NDT program in community colleges. In addition, the paper will describe the measures needed to assess the program’s effectiveness and the student learning outcomes for technicians.


NDT methods have been in use since the Egyptians tested clay pots to ensure that the pots could hold liquids in preparation for burial ceremonies. Nondestructive testing methods are referred to as NDT, nondestructive inspec­tion (NDI), or nondestructive examination or evaluation (NDE).

NDT technicians are essential workers who test, examine, and inspect critical infrastructure, energy, and transportation products. NDT technicians are crucial in bringing the worldwide airline and petroleum industries back on track after terrorist attacks (9/11), recessions (2008), and pandemics (COVID-19) (MarketWatch 2021). Before aircrafts fly or pipelines and oil rigs resume production, an examination of the mechanisms, power systems, and individual compo­nents must be performed. Stringent government regu­lations for public safety and product quality require specialized skills and training for NDT technicians and each NDT method utilized, such as visual testing (VT), ultrasonic testing (UT), or radiographic testing (RT). Because of risk, there are not only statutory and regu­latory requirements, but also standards for NDT methods, personnel training and qualification, exami­nations, and inspection criteria.

Professional and standards organizations develop proper and effective NDT standards and methods for the manufacturing of equipment, materials, and components. Technology-enhanced equipment has improved and increased the sensitivity and applica­tion of NDT methods. Specialized education and training of technicians is required for the application of NDT technologies (PQNDT 2019). Future uses in additive manufacturing, as described in Industry 4.0, will require enhanced NDT methods, equipment, and qualified technicians. Industries that utilize NDT methods are working with NDT technology develop­ment to take advantage of these advances, primarily in UT and RT.

Current data from O*NET (an occupational network that provides information about the US workforce) indicates lower than average growth of 2% to 3% based on 2018 numbers, which do not realistically reflect current industry needs (O*NET 2020). According to a report from Mordor Intelligence (pre-pandemic), NDT was valued at US$16.72 billion in 2019. It is expected to reach a value of US$24.65 billion by 2025, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.7% during the fore­casted period of 2020–2025 (Mordor Intelligence 2020). A report published in March 2019 states, “The nondestructive testing and inspection market is estimated to grow from US$8.3 billion in 2018 to US$12.6 billion by 2024; it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.24% from 2018 to 2024” (Markets and Markets 2020).

However, O*NET data may not consider the aging population of the NDT workforce. According to the Personnel for Quality and Nondestructive Testing (PQNDT) Salary and Benefits Survey, the average age of NDT technicians is 47 years old (PQNDT 2019). This factor leads to the following list of concerns from NDT industry providers and clients:

  • a shortage of skilled and qualified inspectors,

  • a reluctance to adopt new NDT techniques,

  • increased complexity of machines and structures, and

  • equipment costs.

NDT’s overall purpose is to examine and inspect a component or material in a safe, consistent, reliable manner, without damage, and using applicable criteria. As manufacturing comes back online, indus­tries utilize NDT as a proactive measure to detect discontinuities and potential defects. NDT methods are very flexible since they can be performed on raw materials throughout manufacturing processes as well as in-service components. This flexibility lends itself to a variety of materials and parts and is useful for inspecting irregular, porous, or disruptive surfaces. Recently, NDT organizations are developing inspection and examination procedures for additive manufac­tured components, including critical components such as small pressure vessels and turbine blades.

The petrochemical industry (oil and gas), as well as aerospace, automotive, energy, textiles, pharma­ceutical, and chemical industries, rely on NDT practices, which are an integral part of the new construction and maintenance of these manufacturing industries. The ability to test in place, without downtime or risk to products, is another reason NDT is in such high demand in the United States, more than any other country. The United States holds approxi­mately 44% of the NDT market, while Europe is at 29%, and China, Japan, India, and the rest of Southeast Asia make up 23%, leaving the rest of the remaining markets in other areas of the world at 4% (Markets and Markets 2020).

Students Jeff Iley (right) and Drayton Hale remove penetrant from test samples at the liquid penetrant testing station.

Safety is a prime benefit of NDT. Industries are increasing the use of NDT, as business owners are subject to significant risks or financial losses when defects or component failures lead to catastrophic results. Using NDT to examine structural integrity, material degradation, and damage due to corrosion and stress is less costly than replacing the component after failure. NDT is used to determine, characterize, or quantify rates of POD (probability of detection), which impacts the reliability of a product or component (Rummel 2015). New technologies used in RT (computed tomography) and UT (phased array and time of flight diffraction) provide more effective and efficient ways of mitigating risk for the industry. With these new technologies, there is a greater need for advanced equipment training and technicians with expertise beyond traditional knowledge and skills.

A vital aspect of any NDT program is training, which includes the traditional transfer of knowledge, but more importantly, the ability of the technician to demonstrate proficiency applying the NDT method or technique (Taylor 2019). The training must consist of the proper and effective use of equipment and materials; knowledge and use of codes, standards, and regulations; the ability to interpret test results and compare to acceptance criteria; and the ability to communicate the results correctly and suitably (AINDT 2018). The qualification of NDT technicians is based on several different standard organizations documents such as:

  • American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A: Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing

  • ANSI/ASNT CP-189: ASNT Standard for Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Testing Personnel

  • ANSI/ASNT CP-106: Nondestructive Testing – Qualification and Certification of Personnel

  • ISO 9712: Non-destructive Testing – Qualification and Certification of NDT Personnel

  • AIA-NAS-410: Aerospace Industries Association, National Aerospace Standard-410, Certification & Qualification of Nondestructive Test Personnel

  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Nondestructive Examination and Quality Control Central Qualification and Certification Program, ANDE-1 (2015)

  • American Welding Society (AWS) B1.10: Guide for the Nondestructive Inspection of Welds

  • AWS B5.1: Specification for the Qualification of Welding Inspectors (2003)

  • AWS B5.2: Specification for the Training, Qualification, and Company Certification of Welding Inspector Specialists and Welding Inspector Assistants

  • AWS B5.15: Specification for the Qualification of Radiographic Interpreters (2010)

  • AWS QC1: Standard for Certification of AWS Welding Inspectors

Why Start an NDT Program?

First and foremost, determine the reasons for starting an NDT program. In Chattanooga, Tennessee, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), the country’s largest utility, contacted its local community college, Chattanooga State Community College, in 2007 and asked for an NDT training program. The utility could see an aging workforce and the potential gap of tech­nician expertise needed to maintain TVA’s energy infrastructure. Maintaining the current infrastructure, and possible new construction, requires specially trained and qualified NDT technicians. Creating the program of study began with equipment donations from TVA and other local industry partners. Putting a full program together was assisted by a Department of Labor Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training grant and later a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant. Similar stories are in place for programs around the country initiated by industry partners or large testing organizations, such as the relationship between Central Piedmont College in Charlotte, North Carolina, and the Energy Power Research Institute (EPRI).

In Columbus, Ohio, two organizations are significant to NDT: ASNT, a profes­sional society that develops NDT certification and standards programs, and the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, an agency that commissions and certifies boiler and pressure vessel inspectors. These organizations motivated the National Center for Welding Education and Training (dba Weld-Ed), housed at Lorain County Community College (LCCC) in Elyria, Ohio, to develop a project to identify the curriculum components for an NDT technical program ( Funding support from NSF allowed LCCC to develop and create a “collabora­tion of community colleges [Chattanooga State is part of this collaboration], universities, workforce agencies, and business and industry members representing welding and materials joining industry perspectives” (Weld-Ed 2021). As Weld-Ed continues to provide support for welding and material joining, making the step to develop NDT training was not unexpected. Weld-Ed holds welding instructor summer modules, including Module 7, Non-destructive Testing, and is currently working on expanding educational opportu­nities for NDT technicians.

Meeting Industry Needs

The oldest NDT program in existence is at Ridgewater College (formerly Hutchinson Community College) in Hutchinson, Minnesota, started by George Pherigo (Davis 2014). Pherigo attended an airline conference in Florida in 1969, where he and a college adminis­trator learned there was a lack of technicians to test metals and materials in aircraft. Pherigo was a welder before becoming an instructor who was familiar with NDT and could see the need for a program to meet the airlines’ testing requirements. Pherigo started the NDT program at Hutchinson, which is now the oldest and largest NDT program in the United States. Donations are at the heart of the program at Ridgewater and continue today with industry partners onsite in the NDT laboratories supporting the students’ hands-on experience.

Academic or Organizational Buy-In and Support

Next, find out if the educational institution and state Board of Education will support and approve an NDT program. It is a daunting but rewarding decision to start an NDT program. Perhaps the NDT program will not be associated with an existing educational organi­zation, but as a technical company wanting to expand or add an NDT program. Either way, starting an NDT program is costly, beginning with the equipment, building infrastructure, and the requirements to meet safety concerns. It is essential to bring industry partners and professional organizations into the conversation to provide college administrators or business owners’ input on industry needs for NDT technicians. Crafting an NDT program takes time and must have the support of management and recogni­tion that planning and implementing an NDT program is a significant project. Just like any project, adminis­tering a budget and establishing a timeline to satisfy both the internal and external customers’ needs is critical.

Initiating and strengthening the relationship between internal and external customers requires the creation of NDT focus groups. As the NDT program is developed, each customer can voice their concerns, needs, and outcomes. This information is utilized by the NDT project manager, who will weigh all the inputs and prioritize how to proceed financially, to meet the desires of the students, industry partners, and management.

Equipment and Infrastructure

Once full approval to initiate the program is received, unexpected obstacles may arise. Planning a compre­hensive program with the basic five or six methods—such as visual inspection and testing (VT), liquid penetrant testing (PT), magnetic particle testing (MT), ultrasonic testing (UT), radiographic testing (RT), and electromagnetic testing (ET)/eddy current testing—can require hundreds of thousands of dollars (ASNT 2021). There are several grant opportunities available to assist in facilitating rapid development of an NDT program. Depending on the design, the early stages would introduce surface inspection courses (VT, PT, and MT), then offer volumetric courses or a mix of surface and volumetric courses (UT, RT, and ET) later in the implementation process. This way, institutions can purchase less expensive equipment in the beginning, then secure additional equipment from industry partners or NDT suppliers later.

There are many NDT suppliers. The largest market of NDT equipment is the United States, which on average accounts for 38.79% of global NDT examina­tions. Following the United States is Europe and Japan combined, which represent about 43% of global NDT commerce (MarketWatch 2021). Often, industries or companies will have their “favorite” or “preferred” equipment. Even with the many technological advances, it is appropriate for students to use earlier equipment models in their training initially. Many seasoned NDT technicians appreciate new technicians’ ability to operate simpler equipment and demonstrate the NDT method’s chemistry and physics properties, and find that they are less dependent on the “one push button” or stunning visuals found in some later equipment models. Many industry partners or suppliers will donate equipment or consumables knowing it will benefit the NDT industry in the long term. Donations may make a favorable impression on a new technician, creating another preferred manufac­turer. Suppliers might be willing to “loan” equipment if the program is considering purchasing expensive equipment later. There are opportunities for suppliers to bring in local NDT companies for demonstrations and provide equipment for practical laboratories for an extended period of time. A supplier might be willing to permanently loan or gift equipment as part of a marketing initiative, or provide NDT technicians with opportunities to try out equipment without traveling to a supplier site.

One of the infrastructure parameters to keep in mind is how much square footage is available for equipment and its use. For example, RT has rigorous safety regulations that will impact the NDT program space. Increasing distance is more manageable while testing outdoors; however, most NDT programs have at least one, if not more, radiographic devices that emit gamma and X-rays, and are used indoors. Shielding is an essential aspect of RT. It is crucial to design a proper indoor fixed enclosure for radi­ographic use to keep radiation exposure to 5 mSv or less a year (IAEA 1999). Equipment such as an RT cabinet or portable cameras is usually manufactured with a lead or concrete shielding enclosure. Transportable RT cameras used for moving radioactive sources for testing are shielded in the same way. These are less costly, but no less thought should go into the requirements to ensure the equipment is safe for use, safely stored, and has limited access.

Other infrastructure concerns are the electrical and plumbing availabilities for conducting NDT training or testing in buildings or rooms. The electrical load must be known and adequate for the building where the NDT program will be located. What are the electrical and plumbing needs for PT tank systems, MT testing benches, or RT systems or cabinets, ventilation, and air handlers? Illumination is a key variable in NDT. Ultraviolet and white light meters are used to determine examination surface light levels to ensure lighting criteria are met. Performing inspection and examination often requires special handling and treatment of different types of materials including those manufactured to endure rough handling, which could impact testing procedures and results. Institutions need to address how to process film for RT and know the regulations for chemical usage, disposal, and storage. Chemical hazards must be considered for flammables and must meet Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) requirements. An NDT program will include minimum requirements for eyewash stations, fire extinguishers, first aid kits, and other safety needs.

Equipping a new laboratory is one of the highest costs in starting an NDT program. Pictured is the volumetric testing laboratory at Chattanooga State Community College. Stations for ultrasonic testing can be seen in the front of the photo, and the X-ray cabinet is located at the rear.

Storage of smaller equipment, such as cases of UT and MT equipment, must be considered to keep handheld testing equipment in good order. Eddy current equipment can be as small as a lunch box, or large enough that it takes two people to move it safely. Attachments, such as probes, cables, rods, and other small equipment, benefit from an inventory system and storage areas with limited access. To ensure equipment is in good working order and main­tained, a maintenance and standardization program may need to be developed. Students in training who experience and learn best practices, especially in regard to equipment maintenance and standardization and materials upkeep, will be prepared for these processes at a well-managed testing organization. Students who are aware of costs associated with a proper maintenance and standardization program will be better stewards of the NDT equipment.

This is not an exhaustive list of NDT equipment or infrastructure needs, but an overview of the important items and what to think through if starting or devel­oping an NDT program.

Qualified Instructors and Knowledgeable Program Managers

How are instructors or trainers qualified for instruction or training individuals in NDT methods? Many instruc­tors are certified Level IIs or IIIs in the instructed method. However, not all certified personnel are qualified to be trainers and instructors. According to the standards development documents listed previ­ously, organizations must have a written procedure or practices for instruction. Whether the candidates are starting as trainees or progressing through work expe­rience and testing to a Level III, the training procedure provides the details of how knowledge or certification is obtained. Instructors may be deemed qualified based on achieving ASNT NDT Level III status, but they must also have the skills, knowledge, and competency to plan, organize, and present NDT materials, resources, laboratory, and/or practical demonstra­tions. These will need to be approved by an ASNT NDT Level III of that method. Instruction may be in person, online, virtual, hybrid, or via simulations. Technology has impacted the use and application of NDT equipment and how classroom and laboratory curricula is delivered.

Heat exchangers donated to Chattanooga State’s NDT program by the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA).

Instructors may face difficulty obtaining or main­taining NDT certifications due to the hours of experi­ence working in NDT methods and documentation required. Obtaining initial certification for ASNT NDT Level II varies by method. For example, VT Level II requires a minimum of 24 training hours and a minimum 210 hours in the VT method for a minimum total of 400 hours of experience or on-the-job training (OJT). Now consider the time required for basic UT and RT. Separately, UT and RT Level II require a minimum of 80 training hours and a minimum of 840 hours in the UT or RT method specifically for a minimum total of 1600 hours of experience or OJT. Collecting hours under the direction of a certified Level II or III while maintaining a full-time instructor’s position is challenging.

Instructors’ proof of qualification should be based on work experience, certifications, and examinations. Other experience can be accepted, such as completing an NDT training course at an approved outside third-party institution, courses in NDT instruction, or proof of teaching at an academic, technical, vocational, municipal, or federal learning institution.

An instructor who manages an NDT program is usually also responsible for ensuring the program is current, effective, and meets the requirements of industry partners. This individual can be considered an NDT program manager and provides a familiar liaison to those industry partners. The NDT program manager is also a point of contact for suppliers and NDT recruiting agencies and is responsible for strengthening the NDT technician pipeline into the NDT workforce. The program manager can work with student recruitment, develop information and interview sessions with NDT employers for students, create a bridge to local and regional professional organizations, participate in local job and hiring fairs, and promote and oversee NDT student groups. This position supports the responsibility of an academic institution, technical school, or testing organization to verify documentation and records of training to approve personnel for performing NDT.

Professional Organizations

Working with NDT professional organizations is crucial to assist with technician placement, as well as an excellent resource for training materials, guest speakers, and instructors. Professional organizations create an environment for technicians to become involved with NDT during and after completion of instruction. Standards developing organizations such as ASNT, AWS, ASME, American Petroleum Institute (API), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) provide documents and standards that outline training, qualification, and certification of NDT techni­cians. Other organizations that support NDT techni­cians, such as Weld-Ed, offer excellent NDT training resources and hold workshops in different areas of the country.

Overall, professional organizations offer techni­cians an opportunity to network, get involved with the development of standards, and continue professional development beyond the classroom. Starting and maintaining these relationships is essential for an NDT program.


A successful NDT program is one that delivers competent NDT technicians to the workforce. Working in NDT is not a secret but is currently a small, special­ized group. There is an industry need for NDT techni­cians. A quick query on any search engine will return hundreds of open positions. Graduates of NDT programs at schools like Chattanooga State and Ridgewater College often receive multiple job offers. Demand from industry partners looking to hire certifi­cate holders and graduates continues to be high. Large NDT organizations routinely travel to college campuses giving informational sessions and conducting on-the-spot interviews. Government and defense agencies are also targeting academic and technical organizations in an attempt to reach newly trained NDT technicians.

The need for NDT technicians is immediate (Berg 2018). These technicians need quality education and training that includes hands-on practice. Those with OJT are highly sought after by industry. NDT programs must be more flexible with instructional delivery to meet the changing academic experience. The expertise of industry partners, NDT practitioners, and professional organizations are key resources for designing, implementing, and maintaining an NDT program. Because the NDT workforce is decreasing, and the current, aging population of NDT practitioners are retiring for a second and third time, there is a critical need for NDT technicians and programs.


Tracie Clifford: Chattanooga State Community College, Chattanooga, TN;


Materials Evaluation 79 (9): 875–881 ©2021 American Society for Nondestructive Testing


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  2. ASNT, 2021, “Introduction to Nondestructive Testing,” accessed 30 July 2021, Sections/About/Introduction_to_Nondestructive_Testing

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